The Image Of A Classic Hero: Bilbo Baggins

The Hobbit, also known as There and Back Again, was a fantasy novel that J. R. R. Tolkien wrote. It was published the twenty-first September 1937 to wide critical acclaim. Bilbo was the Hobbit of the Shire. The main character of The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is also the protagonist of The Lord of the Rings. Gandalf suggested Bilbo bagsgins be hired as a burglar by Thorin & The Company for the Quest of Erebor. Bilbo later fought against the Five Armies. Bilbo was also an heir to the One Ring. However, he gave it up with difficulty. Many of his adventures were written in a book that he called There & Back Again. Bilbo may be an underdog because he has been shut down in many instances where he demonstrated his potential. Bilbo is a true underdog. Bilbo Baggins is an underdog because he strives for success and overcomes hardships. Because the characters overcome all kinds of adversity, they appeal to the reader’s heart, the role is one that resonates with readers. Bilbo’s physical characteristics and his fear of the unknowable are what makes him an underdog. He sets out to prove that even an underdog can become a hero.

The novel shows Bilbo’s transformation from a fearful hobbit into a brave, noble hero. Gandalf tells Bilbo that he knows more about Bilbo than he realizes when he is trying to convince the dwarfs. This is a statement that Bilbo repeatedly uses throughout the book to show that he can overcome his psychological and physical handicaps and change the perception of others. A hero of epic narratives must display the following characteristics: strength, loyalty, honesty, intelligence, shrewdness and eloquence. This concept of epic describes a hero who has greater virtues than others, is a leader and respected by his people. Tolkien may be considered an epic. However, Bilbo Baggins does not fit the standard of a classic hero. Bilbo Baggins has been called an anti-hero due to the many differences in his nature from the classic hero’s. Bilbo is constantly changing throughout the story. He ends up closer to the epic hero’s end than he was in the beginning. A hero is someone who can save lives rather than take them. Chapter five begins with a sudden understanding, a mixed of horror, that Bilbo felt. This suggests that Bilbo is morally upright and that Gollum is complex. Although he isn’t evil, he is still a worthy character to be pity. This is where Bilbo’s true motives are clearly shown. The first chapters, The Hobbit, offer the biggest contrast between the two. These first chapters are where readers will quickly see that the Hobbit isn’t as heroic as they might think. Readers immediately notice that he is not interested in such dangerous adventures, even though he may be curious. He is actually influenced by his roots. His Baggins side (his dad’s family) is quiet and domestic. Bilbo eventually “decides” that he wants to go on the quest. This journey will lead to Bilbo being able to travel, but soon readers will realize how different this Hobbit is from the traditional hero. Bilbo feels the need to return home at times. He does this when he’s afraid, in danger, or tired. But he also longs for it when he’s physically fit, such as when he was in Beorn’s place. Bilbo doesn’t have the strength or courage to save himself. This is evident in his encounter with the Trolls. The ring makes Bilbo invisible, which is one of the greatest signs of courage Bilbo shows the reader. Bilbo Baggins had to go undercover in order to show that he was brave enough to challenge his limits and be bold enough to succeed. As Bilbo does not possess superior qualities, he is not in a position to lead the group. Thorin is closest to that. Bilbo knows this, but he also recognizes that this is not the area he’s comfortable in. Bilbo has a defense posture. For example, he doesn’t make fun at those he defeats, like the classic hero. Bilbo is not the epic hero; he doesn’t also fight great battles. As evidenced by the Battle of the Five Armies, Bilbo did not take part in it because he was knocked to the ground. He felt different… stronger and bolder despite having an empty stomach. This is a clear indication that Bilbo is slowly becoming a hero. This happens because Bilbo doesn’t possess heroic intrinsic characteristics. He develops as a hero through the challenges he faces. But what is most important in the ending of the story is when Bilbo goes back to being a domestic Hobbit. His character was “round” – he started out as a domestic Hobbit and then became an adventurer. It proves that even though his circumstances are different, Bilbo feels more comfortable being quiet than taking risks.

Bilbo Baggins’ notion of the hero is different than the one that the classic hero uses. He “betrays” his friends. Bilbo is being accused of treason by giving the Arkenstones and Bard. This is something that no hero should ever be accused. This “treason” is related to other differences in Bilbo and Bard, namely the fact that he’s fair and not greedy nor obsessive. Because he believed it was right, Bilbo gave the Arkenstone and the Arkenstone to Bard. Bilbo Baggins has many differences. The connection with the classic hero is also strong. The Hobbit shares many characteristics with the epic heroine, including those that are revealed after Bilbo defeats the Spider. The Baggins family made Bilbo afraid of the adventure. His Took side (his mom’s) motivated him to embark on the quest. This can be seen in his temptation to accept the challenge. The spider is killed, and Bilbo shows his true colors. His bravery will gradually increase.

Bilbo also shares a lot in common with the classic hero, his ability to be very shrewd. Bilbo as well as the classic hero don’t have the most intelligent or erudite minds. However, they can think quickly and find ways out of tight situations. Bilbo is smart and can then survive Gollum’s Game and wait for a moment to escape from Elves. Bilbo didn’t want to be a part of that group but he did his duty and was able get out of any situation he was in. This is due to the fact Bilbo’s heroic fate which protects him from being imprisoned by the Elves. Bilbo is thus destined for great tasks. It’s obvious that everyone, good or bad, is the same person, regardless of fluctuations. This is made clear in the Battle of the Five Armies. It’s easy to see who is on each side. But, if you look at the main characters of the book, it becomes apparent that the helpers are Bard and Beorn. These are the people who will help Bilbo on his quest. On the contrary, there are some characters who want to thwart Bilbo’s efforts to accomplish his goals. These include the Goblins, Gollums, Smaugs, Spiders, Trolls, and Wargs. It is evident that everyone in the book has an opinion. Gandalf putting Bilbo into a quest that he didn’t want to go on can be seen as a fluctuation between helper and opponent. This is especially true when Gandalf leaves them, leaving them with little knowledge of the future.

Bilbo Baggins is an underdog because he strives for success and overcomes hardships. The reader will be captivated by characters who can overcome all sorts of adversity. Bilbo’s ability to think bigger than himself, and save Gollum by taking the Arkenstone, can be demonstrated. It becomes evident that all characters are either good or evil and that any fluctuations are often caused by external interference. Not only are there differences, but the connection between Bilbo baggins and the classic heroic hero is clear. The Hobbit also shares many characteristics with the epic hero. These characteristics become even more evident after Bilbo’s death. Bilbo is no longer a fearful hobbit. He now demonstrates that he can be a brave and noble hero. Gandalf says to Bilbo (chapter 1) that there is more to him then he thinks. This is a statement that Bilbo repeatedly uses throughout the book to show that he can overcome his psychological and physical handicaps and change the perception of others. Bilbo is a great example of what readers want in a hero. He displays all the qualities that they are looking for in a hero.


  • tobyevans

    Toby Evans is an educational blogger and school teacher who uses her blog to share her ideas and experiences with her students and fellow educators. She is passionate about helping her students learn and grow, and uses her blog as a way to share her knowledge and insights with the world.