Play Review: Macbeth By William Shakespeare

Macbeth, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known plays, was first written in the 1600s. Macbeth is a play set in Scotland. It tells the story of a man named Macbeth who’s ambition leads him to his tragic end. He was initially a courageous and honourable man. People trusted him and even called him the “kinsman” for his courage. He becomes greedy after listening to witches’ prophecies, Lady Macbeth supporting King Duncan’s murder and then he is made to do so. Shakespeare makes use of blood throughout the play to convey Macbeth’s inexplicable guilt.

The blood motif is first mentioned in the opening of the play. A wounded captain fought against the opponent on the battlefield to protect King Duncan.

Which smoked from bloody execution, ” ( Act 1, scene 2, lines 16-21 )

This scene uses blood to make Macbeth’s heroic portrait even more impressive. Macbeth’s portrayal of blood and his character change as the play continues. He becomes hallucinated and sees a floating sword in front him. And on thy blade & dudgeon I get gouts. It was not like that before” Act 2, scene 1, lines 56-59

He also attempts to be reassured by saying, “It is not such: / It’s the bloody business that informs / So to mine eyes” (Act 2, scene 1, line 59-61). The murder he’s about to commit is the bloody business. This scene represents the crucial turning point in the play. The scene shows Macbeth becoming a treacherous, merciless, evil tyrant. It symbolizes treason and ambition, as well as murder. This contrasts with what it was earlier in the play. It is now synonymous to pure evil.

This is the ocean of Neptune, great Neptune.

What do you mean clean? This is not what I will do.

The many-tudinous seas of incarnadine

Making the red one green. (2.2.78-81)

This shows Macbeth as a man filled with guilt and regret after he has murdered. He doesn’t stop with one murder. He also attempts to consolidate his position as King and eliminate anyone who stands in his way. Macbeth continues to be haunted by the bloody image as Banquo’s ghost appears at his feast. The ghost appears and Macbeth is horrified. This is a stark change in Macbeth’s character. He has stepped into the dark world of evil so much that it is difficult for him to repent and return to righteousness.

Notable is Lady Macbeth’s obsession with killing King’s Duncan. Lady Macbeth is driven crazy by bloody hallucinations. “Out, damned place! “Out, damned spot!” ” ( Act 5, scene 1, lines 25 ). “Also, the smell of blood is still there: the Arabian perfumes will not sweeten the little hand. Oh! Oh! Oh! ” ( Act 5, scene 1, lines 46-47 ). Lady Macbeth cannot wash away her ‘bloody guilt. She is full remorseful and resentful and will not be able to get rid of the’smell’ of the guilty blood.

Shakespeare uses the image blood to help the audience understand Macbeth’s character transformation and the role of blood. Macbeth is initially a noble and trustworthy person at the beginning. However, Macbeth becomes ambitious and treacherous as Macbeth’s crimes continue. In order to provoke dramatic reactions in the audience, Shakespeare also uses blood themes. Shakespeare brings the bloody image to life by making it visual.


  • tobyevans

    Toby Evans is an educational blogger and school teacher who uses her blog to share her ideas and experiences with her students and fellow educators. She is passionate about helping her students learn and grow, and uses her blog as a way to share her knowledge and insights with the world.